• Average income needed to afford a one-bedroom apartment in Multnomah County: $17,720
• Average annual Social Security payment for retired workers in Multnomah County: $12,861
• Number of hours per week a worker earning minimum wage must work to afford a two-bedroom apartment in Multnomah County: 71
• Meals served to homeless and at-risk youth through New Avenues for Youth drop-in center and transitional housing program in fiscal year 2013: 63,428
• Percentage of youth who were stable when they exited case management at New Avenues for Youth in fiscal year 2013: 87
• Percentage of callers to 211 who are hungry who also need help paying the rent or paying the electric bill: 52
• Homes built by Habitat for Humanity of Oregon in fiscal year 2013: 75
• Families served by Habitat for Humanity of Oregon in fiscal year 2013: 127
• Average number of people per year who move from the streets to transitional housing through Central City Concern: 1,300
• Percentage of Central City Concern’s housing that is permanent, not transitional: 65
• Number of unemployed Oregonians for every job opening, as of October 2013: 4
• Loaded guns confiscated by the TSA at PDX in 2013: 17
• Children who get meals from the Oregon Food Bank emergency food boxes in an average month: 92,000
• People deported from Oregon, Washington and Alaska in 2013: 4,525
• Veterans registered in Portland between 2008 and 2012: 35,344
• Number of new billionaires in 2013: 210
Sources: Oregon Housing Alliance; New Avenues for Youth; 211info; Habitat for Humanity of Oregon; The Independent; Central City Concern; Oregon Employment Dept.; Oregon Food Bank; Eugene Register-Guard; “Working for the Few” OxFam