Their message was loud and clear: The future of our planet requires action now. Thousands of students rallied in downtown Portland on Friday, Sept. 20, demanding that politicians give priority to mitigating the climate crisis. The protesters rallied at City Hall, then marched across the Hawthorne Bridge to a Climate Festival at OMSI. The demonstration was part of a Global Climate Strike inspired by 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg.
“I want you to act like our house is on fire, because it is.” Thunberg’s unapologetic and blunt honesty regarding the climate crisis has resonated with youths and was on full display during the Portland rally.
Protest signs encouraging adults to “feel the fear” that the youths feel about their future were abundant.
Rally participants emphasized the impact the climate crisis would have on young people’s lives.
A demonstrator wiped a tear from her eye as youths listened to their peers speak about their fears, anger and frustration regarding the climate crisis.
A young child got an aerial view of the march across the Hawthorne Bridge.
As youths entered the Climate Festival at OMSI, they put aside their protest signs. Their legislative agenda centered on four demands: Establish a climate test so that every decision made by the city of Portland takes into account the impact on the planet; formally declare a climate emergency; fund free TriMet passes to all high school students in Portland; and deny permits for the Zenith tar sands oil terminal.
Numerous organizations advocating for environmental justice were present at the Climate Festival at OMSI. Among them were Pacific Climate Warriors, a youth-led organization that brings attention to the devastation climate change is wreaking on their home island communities, and Extinction Rebellion PDX, which employs nonviolent civil disobedience to achieve change.
A representative of Food Not Bombs PDX handed out vegan food at the Climate Festival at OMSI. A plant-based diet is important to protecting the environment, according to the organization’s website.
A child howled in solidarity with the Allied Megafauna wolves.
Indigenous youth leaders performed a traditional ceremony in front of a crowd of thousands of protesters.
Protesters embraced true “weird Portland” style as they demanded bold action from political leaders.
For more information about the Global Climate Strike and the week of action that follows, visit