This past weekend, we put out a call to build an emergency income fund for the more than 200 active vendors who missed sales during the snowstorm. We aimed for $10,000. You collectively gave more than $37,000.
This is how you have responded all year. During the first five months of the pandemic, you contributed steadily so we could directly provide income to vendors while our newspaper was on hiatus and we learned how COVID-19 spread.
Then in September, the fires burned and ash filled the air. So we put out the call, and you responded.
Here we are again, and now, instead of fire and ash, it’s snow and ice. On Friday, Tina Drake looked out at the snow.
“I’m worried. I’m fearful. People are freezing. And they can’t sell the paper so they won’t have that money.”
Tina joined the staff in March at the beginning of the pandemic, as a vendor liaison — which she describes as “the first contact for vendors” because she understands much of what other vendors are experiencing. She was a vendor for eight years.
We did some quick figuring. With 200 active vendors, if we could raise $10,000 over the weekend, we could get $50 in cash to each person this week. Since sales would be at almost zero, that would be something. Staff members snapped into action, launching a quick campaign on social media. I sent an email on Saturday.
And then all weekend, Street Roots supporters spread the word and sent money in — far surpassing expectations. When it comes to supporting the vendors — whether by buying newspapers or, when sales are down, by sending money directly — you have their backs. All of the money raised will go directly to support the vendors.
Meanwhile, our vendors worked as Street Roots ambassadors all weekend, running warming tents and getting supplies to people. We thank the Office of Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty for purchasing tarps, sleeping bags and other winter survival supplies for us to distribute.
Many of you ask how to continue to support Street Roots vendors. Here are two ways:
If you aren’t able to buy a paper in person, Venmo your vendor and keep up with the news online at Email our Jesuit Volunteer Veronica Ruth at to find out your vendor’s badge number so you can add that to the description.
Set up a bulk subscription. Join up with other people at your building or community to put in a weekly delivery. It’s part of our Branching Out With Street Roots initiative. Vendors need a place with public access to deliver papers for a minimum of a $25 weekly order. Email Veronica to learn more about the program and sign up with a vendor.
We all look forward to the day when Street Roots vendors and readers meet regularly on street corners to exchange the news. But meanwhile, we are grateful that you all make such an admirable effort to support Street Roots vendors.
Please take care, Street Roots readers. We are grateful for you all.