Now that spring is upon us, we wanted to know what Street Roots vendors are looking forward to in the coming weeks and their favorite things about the season. Here are a few of their lists:
Jim “River” Reese
Being able to get out and exercise in the sunshine. Going to the store to get new clothes. I just love the blooms; it is so gorgeous outside in the spring.
Patrick Cottrell
Sunshine, and the new life, the plants and the birds. The mood in the spring, the new relationships and friendships.
Char Garcia
Getting into my new apartment! Going to the store to buy new boots. Going to Forest Park to go hiking.
Douglas “Wookie” Marcks
Going to Washington Park, seeing the rhododendron and rose gardens. Seeing a movie on the big screen, sitting in a coffee shop and sitting down at the library. The birds chirping, the new life around and the smell of all the flowers.
Racheal Dulaney
My two-year sobriety anniversary! Sitting in a coffee shop with a hot cup of coffee. Flowers, especially peace lilies!
William Adams
Doing my taxes, getting my finances situated. Going to Tea Chai Té, seeing everyone there again, and trying all of their new teas, and having my favorite drink, bubble tea. Watching people prepare for nicer weather, like restaurants moving rain tarps down. Although, there is still rain coming. It’s not over yet.
Theodore Sears
Getting my finances sorted out and going fishing again. I have to reassess my sales tactics, now that more people are going to be out again. Flowers, and having better weather days. Even the rainy days aren’t that bad in the spring.
Lee Vaughn
The sunshine! Finally going out to eat at a restaurant. The beautiful weather ahead.