Vendor Charles Lindsey is known for his impeccable work ethic. The youngest son of longtime vendors and staff James “Pops” and Marla Duby, Charles became a vendor for Street Roots about three years ago. Back in 2019, Pops described his son’s work ethic with pride, noting he walked or rode his bike to work and had never once called in sick.
While Charles continues to sell Street Roots in the Lents neighborhood, he wants to do more.
“It drives me insane not having a job right now,” Charles said. “I love manufacturing work and I’d love to get back into it. It’s a good fit for me.”
Charles recently worked building components for sound systems in conference rooms and described the eye-popping pace of the work.
“I did anything from 1200 to 1500 parts a day,” Charles said. “I loved that job.”
But it’s not just his speed that is valuable to employers.
“I’m also really attentive to detail,” he said. “When I worked for Toyo Tires in Georgia, I was an inspector.
But his dream job is working on cars. One day, he hopes to go back to school to get his license to become a mechanic.
For now, he appreciates the opportunity for growth that Street Roots provides.
“I had to come out of my shell a bit to come here (to Street Roots),” Charles said. “I’m a really introverted person; I don’t feel the same connection in large groups that I do going out with two or three people. Selling Street Roots is overall a pretty positive experience.”
Charles likes living in Oregon. He does think there are a couple ways Portland could improve.
“I hope Portland drivers get better,” he said. “I’ve been hit by cars four times since living here. The first time I broke my wrist and had a major concussion. Pops told me he’s going to get me a light-up vest so I don’t get hit by cars anymore. Either that or a ‘people horn’ — like an air horn I can blare at cars, although I get the feeling that might start a few fights.”
Speaking directly to Portland drivers, his tone turned serious as he implored, “Please look out for pedestrians and people on bicycles.”
He also hopes the city opens more buildings for housing, which he said is desperately needed. Charles currently lives at the Street Light Youth Shelter, which he describes as “a blessing for the youth of Portland.” He said that it has lockers and he has a reserved bed as long as he keeps up with his chores, which is not a challenge for someone as driven as Charles. He said it’s a good model for him and that he’s made friends.
Five years from now, he said he’d like to have his own apartment and car, and not worry about making bills the next month. In the meantime, Charles can be found selling Street Roots on various street corners in the Lents neighborhood. You can support Charles through Venmo (@StreetRoots) by entering his name and badge number (155) in the notes.