How two activists’ digital platforms are creating space for marginalized voices in Xicanx communities Machismo, an exaggerated and culturally specific form of toxic masculinity, is a concept that shapes many Latinx households. While it manifests itself in ...
25 May 2017 - Emilly Prado
Latino immigrants working for subcontractors are too often subject to wage theft and threats of retaliation As big development dollars flow into Portland amid an explosion of new luxury apartments, McMansions and high-rises, it’s a money grab for those lo ...
27 Oct 2016 - Emily Green
Listen carefully to what the state ballot initiatives are really about Hate speech has always been a part of our public discourse, but this year it seems to swell with added oomph, energized by a foul whiff of validation from our national electoral debate ...
12 May 2016 - SR editorial board
Batula Mohamud can’t tell you her age. On paper she’s 26, but she says she’s most likely younger – probably 22 or 23 years old. She was born in Somalia but was forced to flee the country with her mother and siblings when she was a baby to escape the ongoi ...
4 Feb 2015 - Emily Green
By Andrea Valderrama, Contributing Columnist “On August 12th, 2012 they arrested me around 2 a.m.,” the day laborer says. “I think they arrested me simply because they noticed I was Latino, but they wrote down it was for littering. The police officer told ...
6 May 2013 - Street Roots Staff
March and rally for immigrant and workers' rights Tomorrow, Friday May 1st in the South Park Blocks a rally and march will start at 4PM to celebrate economic justice for all. A poster and party event will start at 1PM. Be there or be square. immigran ...
30 Apr 2009 - Street Roots