Trading transparency for expediency is unacceptable Controversial changes to the city’s police accountability process will be examined during a special community forum Aug. 23, 2016. We all should be there. The event, hosted by the Albina Ministerial Alli ...
18 Aug 2016 - SR editorial board
Oregon police officers are rarely held accountable for undue violence. Here are six possible reasons. Whenever police officers use lethal force, they well know there could be consequences, including being charged and prosecuted by the district attorney. C ...
9 Jun 2015 - Jason Renaud an...
The Portland Police Bureau recently made a stunning and unprecedented discovery — but, sadly, no one noticed. Probably because most of us knew it all along. Their non-breakthrough was this: Sometimes, the right police action is no action at all. After a d ...
19 Jan 2015 - Jason Renaud an...
Police make up a peculiar subculture in society. Often they have their own moral code of behavior, an “us against them” attitude, and a history of standing shoulder-to-shoulder behind a “blue wall of silence.” On Oct. 22, Mayor Charlie Hales and the City ...
14 Nov 2014 - Kate Lore