Film could help her daughters navigate growing up as some of the few people of color in their community in Hillsboro In 2010, Melissa Lowery set out to create a film — her first feature-length film — that could serve as a guidebook for her two daughters. ...
18 Feb 2015 - Sarah Hansell
Americans are a competitive lot, and that can have its advantages, but not necessarily when it comes to educating a generation that will need to collaborate in order to solve our intractable problems. That’s the perspective of civil rights attorney and Ha ...
18 Feb 2015 - Jared Paben
History is written by the victors.” At least, that’s what a famous quote tells us. Trouble is, there’s no real agreement on who spoke or wrote those words. Maybe it was Niccolò Machiavelli, author of the 16th-century work of political philosophy, “The Pri ...
3 Feb 2015 - Rosette Royale