“I’d like to thank my customers at Hillsdale shopping center, especially those on the first Saturday of the month — America’s best educated cleaning crew.” — John Brown
“Thanks for being nice to me and helping me out. You all are really nice folks. Merry Christmas to you all.” — John Munro
“Thank you to all my customers throughout the Pearl.” — Jason Scheer
“I want to thank all my customers and all the Street Roots family for
their support and kindness every single day of the year. I’m excited to
see us go weekly to have even more connections. It’s always the season
to be grateful!” — Willie Bradford
“2014 marked the greatest year of my life, hands totally down. It's very easy for me to say after I was voted as Street Roots Vendor of the Year, by my loving community of supporters, and from my fellow comrades/vendors as well. True wealth is within, bridging, and building community. Each smile I give is a boomerang effect to me a thousand times a day. I give blessed love and thanks to the communities in the North Mississippi neighborhood, the Laughing Planet Café in that area, attorneys at the public defender's and district attorney's office, as well as those in private practice. I'm grateful to the sheriff deputies who always support me, and all walks of humanity. Much mad love to the tireless employees at the Standard Insurance Building for their tremendous support since my tenure, the Ash Street Saloon, and Blue Collar Café for their business in the community. Last (and surely not least) eternally grateful to the staff and family of Street Roots, itself for living up to its very name by providing coverage of people experiencing poverty(and other forms of hardships), locally and globally. My love goes without saying, and far beyond words.” — Marlon Crump
"To all my customers and staff at the Alberta Co-op: I would like to take the time and say thank you for being so awesome. All of you are really so amazing and wonderful. I care and deeply love each and every one of you! May this holiday season bring you all love and happiness and as always my hugs are there for you. Thank you again for always bringing a smile to my face and happiness to my heart! With love always." — Betty Jo Griffiths
“Thanks for buying my paper, it’s a job for me. I love the fact that Street Roots gives everyone an equal opportunity. That’s the most important thing for me. So thanks to all of our customers for providing us that opportunity.” — Ron Sanford
“When I became unhoused, like most folks, I inhabited a place where invisibility is the norm. Where voicelessness is not only commonplace, it is encouraged. Therefore it came as a shock to me when they published me. Together Street Roots and I have journeyed through homelessness and back into housing. Without them I would not have rediscovered my voice or the power in that voice to help create change. I cannot now or ever think of Street Roots without gratitude cascading through my pores.” — Julie McCurdy
“I’m grateful for the coffee in my cup. Thanks to Stumptown for providing that for us vendors every morning.” — Mike Murro
“Thank you to all my customers who patronized Street Roots over this
year. Thanks so much for making me laugh and caring about my welfare.
So the best to you and yours in the year to come." -Roger Cavitt
“I’m thankful to my customers. They helped me out so much in the past year. My regulars lift me up if I’m having a bad day, and on a good day they’re there to joke around with me.” — Sean Sheffield
“I’m grateful that Street Roots is my layback and I thank everyone for being here for me to let me know to understand what SR is about. Ever since I’ve been here I’ve really enjoyed you guys a lot. All the folks in here are very awesome and that’s what I’m thankful for.” — Paul Ortiz
“I want to thank Street Roots for having me another good year. I got housing for another year again because of Street Roots and I’m going to be at Powell’s Books on Hawthorne and they are very nice people. Happy holidays and look forward to the new year.” — Craig Preston
“I’m thankful in general that I went to my doctor and they told me I’m in halfway decent good health and I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful that I can have someplace to go and eat and sleep even though I’m poor and homeless, but I’m not starving to death I’m not freezing to death, therefore I’m grateful. I’m also grateful for Street Roots because it helps me put a little money in my pocket, that way I can help support my own self buying my own groceries, food and sometimes a few clothes. Everything is not bad bad bad, it’s okay. I’d like say happy holidays to all my customers and all the supporters of Street Roots and also would like to thank you guys for all the support you guys really give us.” — Dwayne Carter
“I’d like to thank Whole Foods for being community minded and kind to me as a vendor.” — Peter Salzmann
“I would want to thank the Department of Community Justice for being good listeners and being steadfast about supporting my goals to get off probation.” — Michelle Grant
“I wish you much happiness. Thanks for supporting me all year long. Going weekly means opportunity and a new adventure.” — Millard Gulledge
“I am thankful and grateful for my customers who support my recovery and having new alternatives on a daily basis.” — J.D.
“Thank you everybody for supporting us. Without you, there is no us.” — Lorry Clark
“I’m grateful to Mr. Felton. He’s a great customer, we have good conversations and has come down from Vancouver to buy my paper faithfully for two years. And he’ll buy my paper every week next month! He’s a good man.”-Earl Bennett
“I’m grateful to all my customers, especially at Bipartisan Cafe. Thanks for welcoming me.” — William Adams
“I’m grateful that I do have good customers.” — Allen Bennett
“I want to thank all my customers for their support and the organization I’m representing. You’ve all been good to me.” — Evan Elston
“I’m grateful to be sober. Many thanks to the CCC Mentor program and Street Roots for helping me get there.” — Dave Ferguson
“I’m thankful for my customers always being there for me and even when I was gone for a period they had a hard time buying from someone else. When I came back they’ve been very supportive. I want to thank them for being loyal for the four years I’ve been selling Street Roots." — Jeff McCall
"On behalf of all my customers and every Street Roots customer thank you! And have a safe and prosperous new year." — Bruce Heino
"Tis the season to think about about we're thankful for and it seems obvious to me that it's you. Because of your support of Street Roots I have an income and hope and I can't be more thankful." — Tony Boone